B2B Marketing

Business-to-business (B2B) marketing refers to the strategies and practices employed by companies that sell products or services to other businesses rather than directly to consumers (B2C). This type of marketing addresses the needs, interests, and challenges of individuals making purchases on behalf of, or for, their organization (such as businesses, government bodies, and non-profit organizations).

B2B marketing typically involves more complex processes and relationships than consumer marketing because the purchasing decisions in a B2B context are usually made by multiple people within a company and can require longer sales cycles and more significant transactions.

Plumbing Marketing During Coronavirus Pandemic

After the Great Depression, the Coronavirus is arguably the most tragic thing that has happened to the economy. The year 2020 forced a lot of businesses to shut down and many to rethink their strategies. Among them is the plumbing business.

10 Jewelry Marketing Tips that Work

The US jewelry market business is worth $33.9 billion in terms of revenue in 2021, according to IBIS World. Considering the current marketing size and the fierce competition in this industry, small jewelry business owners need to embrace the latest marketing techniques to keep their business alive and running.

15 Tips to Market Your Salon During Pandemic

Hairstylists, salon owners, makeup artists, and almost everyone involved in the beauty and cosmetic businesses have felt the effects of COVID on their businesses. It’s become more important now than ever to pandemic-proof your salon business to ensure smooth operations.

Website Design, An Important Element of Your SEO Marketing

For a powerful SEO strategy, we need to optimize our website content for search engines, add relevant keywords, include meta descriptions & title tags, and improve the technical SEO. While these are a few crucial components of the search engine optimization strategy, website design plays an equally important role.

New Apple Privacy Changes Mobile Advertising Strategies

The iOS 14.5 framework has brought one of the biggest transformations in Apple’s privacy features. Released on 26th April, this new feature is defined as “App-tracking transparency (ATT)” The company decided to maximize customers’ privacy to address the growing concerns around privacy and security issues. 

How to Survive and Thrive Your Business During COVID-19

Covid-19 Pandamic impact all businesses in the world. Lean How to Survive and Thrive Your Business During COVID-19 at Search Engine Projects. Businesses have been hurt immensely by the coronavirus, and there is no question that its impact will be felt for months to come.

Is ADA Compliance Mandatory for Websites?

Do you realize that your website could be issued an ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) litigation for non-compliance? You read that right. Not your bricks and mortar space now, but your website. You read that right. Not your bricks and mortar space now, but your website.

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