Law Firm Website and Marketing

Project Brief

Search Engine Projects offers digital marketing strategies for law firms and law associations in the USA. As more clients search for attorneys and legal services online, law firm digital marketing has become an effective lead-generation channel for attorneys. The Motorcycle Accident Attorney Bar Association (MAABA) is the national association of attorneys and law professors who practice and teach Motorcycle Accident Law within Personal Injury Law.

The Challenge

The Motorcycle Accident Attorney Bar Association’s (MAABA) goals were to enhance public awareness, improve Google rankings, and engage personal injury attorneys specializing in motorcycle accidents; a multi-faceted digital marketing strategy would be beneficial. (MAABA) With limited time and budget for their digital marketing efforts, SEP focused on cost-effective and impactful strategies that can help enhance MAABA’s online presence and engagement.

The Solution

 Search Engine Projects to enhance the digital marketing efforts of the Motorcycle Accident Attorney Bar Association (MAABA). This robust strategy includes new law website design, Website Optimization, Content Marketing, Google Ads Campaigns, Partnerships, Outreach, Analytics, and Monitoring. MAABA traffic is increasing every month.

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Project Brief

Search Engine Projects, a top digital marketing company, offers online marketing and digital advertising for local attorneys and lawyers in the USA. As more people use the internet for searching about legal matters, Internet marketing is a crucial lead generation channel for attorneys.

The Challenge

local estate planning attorney was looking to increase the number and quality of prospective clients from local cities in Orange County, California. The Search Engine Projects team offered a new online marketing approach and digital marketing strategy by designing a new website, advertising online, and positioning the new website under “Estate Planning Attorney Orange County” and other important keywords on Google.

The Solution

The project started by creating new content and removing all the broken links and disavowing links from Google. Adding relevant content to the website, and writing informative and useful articles. Improving by posting relevant and informative posts about estate planning issues and news related. The number of visitors increased by 125% after three months. The number of calls increased from 10 calls to 22 in the same time frame.

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Mediation Website & Marketing

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Attract More Clients With 11 Effective Digital Marketing Techniques

The legal industry is changing dramatically. Despite some changes, law firms still do not have the time to set up a proper budget for their marketing purposes and end up spending more time and money than they should. There is no denying that marketing has become an integral part of the legal industry. Most law firms fail to generate new leads or more clients due to poor marketing strategies.

The main problems are the need for proper market research, local SEO strategies, and low-quality websites. Such legal firms must be more strategic when establishing a marketing plan to attract more clients.

attorney directory handel on the lawattorney directory handel on the law

11 Effective Legal Marketing to Enhance Attorney Overall Practice:

To acquire a competitive edge in the legal industry, it is necessary to create an intelligent marketing plan to establish the firm as a brand online and spread the word about its work. Law firms rely heavily on their cases and their success in court. They must market that resourcefully and make it work for their benefit.

What could make an attorney website stand out from other law firms?

1. Start Asking questions and Collect Data

Start asking questions about the firm process. How are your clients? Why should they choose you? Could you check the existing data to identify the weakest link and successfully evaluate past efforts?  Assembling data and reports from various outlets to develop insight into where work is needed. It must be understood what is required the most when it comes to digital marketing for lawyers.

  • Is the law firm’s website failing to attract any interest?
  • Is it the online reputation?
  • Do you have bad online reviews?
  • Are the clients able to find the website online?

After evaluating the above factors, begin the following process:

2. Use marketing resources

Looking for outside resources to help with law firm advertising is essential. While it is easy to set up a website, ensuring it receives maximum exposure is a different story altogether. To receive quality traffic, an attorney’s website must keep up with the recent digital marketing trends and techniques, which requires expertise and knowledge. Outsourcing the work to professional digital marketers will provide a steady client base for the law practice.

3. Create a mobile-friendly website for your practice

Many law firms are technologically challenged, which is true of their websites. With changing times, law firms must keep their websites updated, especially when smartphones have taken over the online world. People are more inclined to search for an attorney’s website or access it on their phones rather than on a laptop or computer. As a result, an attorney’s website needs to be mobile-friendly. It needs to ensure that the clients can navigate through the site easily on their phones and contact the law firm or download any forms required without any hassle.

4. Create and update content consistently

As important as creating a law firm website is creating new content. Content marketing is the key to regularly making crisp and fresh content for your posts and website. Fresh and informative content helps Google position your website in higher search results.

5. Upload intelligent content

Intelligent content for law firm websites refers to using structured and semantically aware content that allows for easy organization, search, and display of legal information. This can include the use of metadata and tags that help to identify key topics and concepts within the content, as well as the use of structured data to provide information about the attorneys and services offered by the law firm.

Intelligent content is the key to the success of the law firm’s marketing strategy. The content should be familiar to the clients and relate to their problems. Intelligent content is defined as something that is:

  • Adaptable
  • Reusable
  • Discovered easily
  • Structurally rich
  • Reconfigurable
  • Categorized semantically.

6. Utilize various platforms for digital marketing

A comprehensive digital marketing strategy is essential. Law firms should open themselves to multiple channels and utilize all available channels to reach potential clients and expand their influence. Multiple focus areas, such as paid ads in search engines, social media marketing, and email campaigns, can help attract new customers and build a solid online presence.

effective law firm marketing techniques

7. Marketing the law firm as a brand

Use videosinfographics, and great content to market the law firm as a brand. The more communities hear about it online, the better the chances of generating new leads. Creating rich, resourceful content is the first rule for law firm advertising, as people are more likely to trust it based on that. Also, insert facts and substantiate them. Have previous clients testify on the law firm’s behalf. In short, market the firm and its services as a resource to potential clients.

8. Measure the marketing efforts
It is necessary to evaluate practices periodically. A marketing strategy only has value if one assesses it occasionally. Determining whether the strategy, money, and time invested generate value is necessary. This will allow for the precise evaluation of what has worked and what has not. It will also enable the firm to determine the marketing plan’s weak parts. The measurable data will be:

  • Resource downloads
  • Blogs
  • Website hits
  • Social media response
  • User experience

9. Understand social media and conversion rates

Understanding and mastering social media and conversion rates is essential for changing and being a pioneer in the legal world. Reaching out to existing and potential clients on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn is critical for digital marketing. Developing effective social media strategies gives the law firm a high conversion rate and generates more leads faster.

10. Focus on the target audience

Concentrating on the target audience is essential when developing an effective digital marketing strategy. This is especially relevant in the legal world, where attorneys want to appeal to specific communities or ethnicities. The type of law a law firm practices and other factors also play a role.

11. Choose a professional law firm marketing agency

If one wants to cut back on all that hassle and predominantly intends to concentrate on practicing law, then hiring a law marketing agency is one of the most essential ideas.

Search Engine Projects is one such agency that can help attorneys develop effective marketing campaigns that will allow their law firms to grow. Whether they have a website or not, these professionals will help attorneys build their brand with effective law firm marketing strategies that will allow them to expand exponentially.

Attorney Marketing Tips To Grow the Law Firm

The success of a law firm, like any other for-profit organization, is hinged on the success of your marketing efforts. There’s no denying that cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. Therefore, your job as a legal practitioner doesn’t end with acquiring the knowledge and skill needed to represent a defendant successfully. It goes beyond having the wisdom to offer advice on the pros and cons of certain critical life decisions.

Unattractive as it may sound, you need to learn marketing too!

attorney marketing tips to grow the law firm

What is legal marketing?

Legal marketing is often misunderstood as just advertising. However, it is much more than that. Advertising is an important part of marketing, but it is not the only aspect.

Imagine your car, the engine is the most important part, but it’s not the only thing that keeps your car running. Tires, brakes, and axles are also important and without them, the car won’t function properly.

Similarly, in marketing, advertising is not the main focus, but rather a part of the bigger picture. Marketing involves developing, communicating, and delivering value to customers. It encompasses a range of tactics and strategies, which is why consulting with a law firm marketing agency is crucial to avoid wasting resources on ineffective efforts.

The Challenge of Intangibility

The intangibility of attorney services presents a significant challenge in marketing and sales. The value and quality of the service cannot be fully assessed until it has been delivered, making it difficult for clients to make informed decisions. This is in contrast to tangible goods, where the value is more easily determined.

Clients hiring an attorney service provider assume a high level of risk and are therefore more cautious in their decision-making. They want to ensure they are getting the best service for their money, and changing attorneys after a case has been lost is not an option.

However, this challenge can be overcome by focusing on building trust with potential clients through your digital marketing efforts. Highlighting the value and quality of your services, as well as emphasizing your expertise and experience, can help to build trust and confidence in your ability to deliver the best service.

What can you do to build confidence with your audience? 

Here are 9 legal marketing strategies that can help you establish trust with your audience and expand your firm. Let’s dive in.

1. Start With Clarity

Be clear on what your firm offers and how it stands out from other law firms. In digital marketing terminologies, this is called the Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Defining your USP is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make for your firm.

A value proposition sets the tone for other activities, particularly marketing, by defining your target clients, their location and age group. It lays a strong foundation for marketing success.

2. Look Good – Brand Your Firm Excellently

Marketing attorney services is a challenging task, as legal services are intangible, meaning they can’t be touched. This makes it difficult for clients to understand the value of the service and to make an informed decision about which lawyer or law firm to hire. This is why branding is so crucial in the legal industry. Excellent branding can help to clearly communicate the value of the service and set a law firm apart from its competitors. A strong brand can also help to establish trust and credibility with potential clients, making them more likely to choose your firm over others.

Why should any potential client choose a firm that presents itself as mediocre?

A carefully chosen brand name and expertly designed company logo, letterhead, etc. can communicate intelligence, ingenuity, credibility, and superiority to clients. A visually strong brand can give a firm a competitive edge in today’s market. Therefore, it is crucial for a firm to ensure that its visual identity communicates excellence.

It is essential to regularly evaluate your firm’s visual identity to ensure it still meets this standard. If it does not, rebranding may be necessary. Keep an eye on your company’s corporate identity.

3. Become a Subject Matter Expert

Specializing in a particular area of law can help establish trust with clients. By focusing on a specific area of law, such as injury law, impaired driving, intellectual property law, or women’s divorce, a firm can build expertise in that field. This expertise allows the firm to provide superior services compared to firms that offer a wider range of services.

Clients often prefer firms that have positioned themselves as experts in a specific area. By becoming a thought leader in your field, your firm can become more attractive to potential clients. Use your specialized skillset as a tool for generating leads.

attorney marketing tips to grow the law firm

  1. Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Delighting your clients and building strong, valuable relationships with them can lead to effective word-of-mouth marketing. Satisfied clients will be more likely to refer their friends and family to your firm. Their positive testimonials can also make it easier to convert leads. Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to acquire new customers.

It’s important to actively ask your clients for referrals and to also make referrals to others.

  1. Invest in a Quality Website

Having a website can help to increase brand awareness and trust with potential clients. A well-designed website can convince website visitors to choose your firm. Essential components of a website include information about your Unique Selling Proposition (USP), past awards, client feedback, key individuals in your firm, an “about us” section, and contact information.

Not having a website can be detrimental to the growth and survival of your firm. Additionally, having a blog section on your website that offers valuable and engaging legal content, such as articles or videos, can also be beneficial. These can also be shared as gated content, where visitors provide their contact information in exchange for access to the content.

  1. Invest in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Nowadays, many people turn to online sources when searching for information. SEO is a series of ongoing processes that help to improve your website’s traffic and ranking in search engines. Most people don’t go beyond the first page of search results, so it’s crucial for your website to rank high in order to increase visibility and drive website traffic to your site. Legal SEO is a technical activity, so it’s recommended to consult with a digital marketing agency to ensure the best results.

  1. Utilize Social Media and Email

Social media and email are effective tools for lead generation. The majority of the population is on social media and the use of email is even higher. It’s important to identify which platforms your target audience is most active on and to focus your efforts on those platforms. They can also be used to keep your firm top-of-mind for existing clients and to share updates and milestones achieved by your firm.

  1. Targeted Ad Campaigns

Online platforms offer the ability to create targeted ad campaigns, which can be optimized to reach your ideal customer. Platforms such as Google Ads can be used to show your ads to users searching for queries related to your expertise.

  1. Participate in Community Development

More and more companies are recognizing the benefits of being actively involved in their community. This can include participating in local events, supporting charitable causes, and building relationships with community organizations. This not only helps to create positive brand awareness but also demonstrates a sense of social responsibility and can generate positive word-of-mouth.

attorney marketing tips to grow the law firm

It’s beneficial to be charitable and actively involved in community development. Share your efforts on your blog and social media platforms to showcase your engagement in the community.

In summary, as a service provider, it’s important to focus on building awareness and trust with potential clients so that they choose to do business with you. The internet provides various options for achieving your marketing goals, but consulting with a skilled digital marketing agency can help you maximize your firm’s success.